Regent of East
Be Bali the Second
Successes no seldom
begin of a dream. Maybe it is in mind Drs. Joseph Tote Msi., Regent of East
Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Dream to make his territory
as a second Bali, well-grounded. As the matter of fact, East Manggarai Region
natural owned also no less than Bali. From culture aspect, East Manggarai has a
cultural traditions high as well as laden meaning. Still graduated from
Universitas Gadjah Mada it’s realized that conjure up his territory become like
Bali, is not as easily as flips palms. The long process needed. The most
difficult homework of him is to change point of view pattern of his society set
off from agricultural society to become culture and tourist oriented society.
Without shall be regardless that agriculture. Because of both have a sinergy.
The former Head of
the Ministry of Cultural and Tourism Manggarai Regency (before expansion)
realized that, the only way to change point of view is through education
starting from the family, and then school and neighborhood.
Through the education
at elementary school and junior secondary school, the politician of party
golkar implanting of understanding learners through granting of mulok
curriculum. And preparing mulok curricula for senior high school, by now. For
the colleges level, Regent East Manggarai that will be lay off on 2013 wishing
able to establish a tourism college in his territory. Could he realizing his
dream, as the period of his rule the region have not much longer? Joseph just
surrenders. He believes in God. When God have an intention then there is no
impossible. However, if God have other intention, at least he has been put
foundation development that sturdily enough to build the future of East
What dreams he want
to realize through culture and tourism sector? He was interviewed by Sapto
Adiwiloso from JN Guide at Borong early last July.
did you see potential tourism and cultural at East Manggarai Region?
The potential tourism
and culture in the East Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province,
generally there are five. The First,
Agriculture. Special this is an area of commodities. There are agriculture, wet
rice field, and dry farming.
To the dry farming,
county are often utilizing as comodities. Whereas, wet agriculture that has
been served 14.000 hectares. There are more than 30.000 hectares un-utilized.
potential energy. We use that term for covering potential water, to deal with
the electic energy. For that we have done intervention. From this area, more
than 1000 householders is coverage electric power of water. PLBS supported by
the central government, in addition.
the potential of fisheries and marine. It’s also having our intervention. We
have already supported peasants and fishermen throughout the region. We also
reorganized specialty education for intervene fisheries and marine sector in
East Manggarai region.
the potential of forest. Forest is in this region, we expected can welfare
society. Patterns that have been developed in Indonesia also have we do in East
the potential tourism and culture. The potential is quite promises. Many
potential seeded can developed in the area. The one is, existence Komodo dragon
Rugu (Rugu is the local name. There are also calling Mbou). After the research
had done, it’s proved that the DNA is equal to the Komodo dragon existing in
Rinca Island and Komodo Island at West Manggarai.
Equal in length, only
they have a big difference. If in the East Manggarai rather slender, 3-4 meters
in length’s but large body different. Perhaps it’s because of natural
influences. Besides, at the same location, also there lotus ogres. There only
two in the world, one is in India, and the other one is in Pota, East
There is many more
object in the territory of Borong as the central county East Manggarai. Such as
Liang Bala, Pasir Putih, Batu Biru, Taman Laut Mbalata, also it earlier
mentioned is Batu Susu Rongga.
you ever do research on Batu Susu Rongga? What the result of research?
The stone have
historical and myth. When I was served as a head of county research and
development that was before Manggarai Regency expanded be West and the East.
And the story is, In
Manggarai there is only one kingdom centered in Todo. Some big wings desirous
to stay afloat, included in the Komba. Komba is the central ethnic Rongga.
Whereas, Komba has taken from the name of a figure ethnic locals, so that hill
to their residence named Komba Hill.
Komba Hill overrun
brothers of one figure ethnic Rongga. The oldest son named Meka Komba. His
brother named Leke Lalu Nanggo. The name of Nanggo then fit in a fort. The name
is Fortress Nanggo.
There is also their
brother named Meka Lando. He then known as an architect Rongga’s tribe (time’s
before Dutch entered into Indonesia).
Till now his name is
known as architect traditional home ethnic Rongga. Until now poles in the
middle of the ethnic Rongga named Timbu Lando (soko guru). Efforts were made to
the memory of the traditional architect.
Still in Komba areas,
there is a Batu Susu Rongga. Once, people of ethnic Rongga attacked by the
royal Todo. The leader is Anandeo. It conquered without bloodshed, but with
cultural approach.
Then troops Todo take
to dancing Vera dance. After drift off, ahead noon enemy troop was under siege,
then surrender them. Tribute as provide Nggong Molas Komba that submitted in
Wira Riwu.
It also tambor,
gendang, and rajong. Tributes that last mentioned used as the name of kedaluan
(hamentee), or as the village.
Most Watu Susu Rongga
located in the Narang nearby center of the royal Todo. In 2007, when served as
Head of County Reseach and Development Manggarai Regency I did research on
Komba, we found it.
Based upon the
research that we did, there is a historical why partly stones sited in Narang
around Todo. Name of the village Riwu taken from one’s name that help the Todo
troops, his name was Riwu. Although there were no longer relics house in
hometown Riwu, but the name of the hometown is still there.
Because of it Watu
Susu Rongga has story of human that disobedient principle. As it is prohibition
may not looked behind. However ban it infringed upon. As soon as turned it be
That’s history Watu
Susu Rongga. Whereabouts the stone exist only in East Manggarai, no in other
places, even in the world. In Poco Ndeki, still at the District of Komba there
is a kind of stone resembling venereal male and female. Its name is Watu Embu.
The stone existence
has already blown up in the locals newspaper.
Seem likely they did
not follow the rules applied in the people’s lives in those days. Incidentally
at the same time earth quake happened.
The couple had been
reminded not to look back, but ban it infringed, then become a pair of stone
resembling genitals male named Watu Embu Kodi Haki and female or Watu Embu Kodi
Fai. Ascent toward the top of Poko Ndeki begun from Kampong Sere in Sub District
Tanah Rata, is 11 kilometers of Borong.
where concentration of development in the cultural and tourism in this region
will be started?
Today the Government
of East Manggarai concentrate the development of cultural and tourism of Cepi
Watu Beach, because it beauty like Kuta in Bali, and during holiday this
flooded by many tourist. So we concentrate do revamping and ratification start
from that beach.
We shall develop on
few spot like in Pota, in Lambaleda with the Gua Cingcoleng. Then, in the territory
Elar of Rajong and forth.
do you build cultural sector as inner selves of this County?
The Government of
East Manggarai builds on a field named Satar Lehong. It is still at the center
of The County Capital East Manggarai. There we also establishing the office for
the rank of executive, even now almost complete. We also constructed buildings
for ranks of legislature and judiciary.
It’s from housing; we
had built more than 150 houses for government employee, also make revamping
educational institutions in it. Shop house also built. So that, this region
shapes as people of Manggarai village, round shape.
We will also
developing territory of cultural tour in 12 kedaluan (hamentee) there are in
the territory of East Manggarai. We’d like to review symbols of kedaluan in the
past, and adapted to the conditions of this time.
One of the target
developments is putting down the basis of the character of Manggarai society.
At the time of kedaluan, the government officials are still be hereditary. It
was done order to maintain the stability of safety.
The condition has
changed in accordance with the demands. Therefore lying of association of the
character of people become important in the future. So besides, developing 12
kedaluan we also apply wajar (a compulsory) 12 years education.
Today, the numbers of
Senior Secondary School on 2009 are 11. At 2012 increased to 32. Whereas,
Junior Secondary School from 50 have got to be 106, by now.
At once, the
conditions are to answer the development of the character of people here. We
began from formal education, so later, expected to those who received
elementary education or higher may partake as well as maintain, preserve, the
values of sublime implanted umpteen hundred years ago, now, that has become
In the Elementary and
Junior Secondary School, we have made mulok curricula. Now, the program had
been implemented. Even as, I shook the Chief of Ministry of Education and
Culture, mulok have been implemented for High Scool, Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and
So later, grow and
developing the good habit of ancestors, and develop into good and cultured
Manggarais and Indonesians as well as the world. Because later, they also be
developed according universal demands. Once again, this hopes of us. From the
five sectors, good opportunities are from the agriculture and tourism.
do you sustained efforts to programs?
We have been put the
basic. First, symbols that it was developed. Institution of education also have
prepared that is Elementary and Junior Secondary School. Then material we also
have given in Elementary and Junior Secondary School. Whereas, at the level of
Senior Secondary School is in our prepare.
It other to us prepare
revamping is the teachers. And when the society is no longer elected me and my
deputy, the important thing is the foundation placing in good. So, expected to
remain sustainable on the relay leadership in the system of sustained
government (reneable development).
We also have asked to
Development Planning Board to make RPJPD (the long term of the Region
Development), so that the program have been therein.
are the constraint in developing cultural and tourism in East Manggarai?
First obstacle is
infrastructural, especially streets. We will also develop infrastructure are
there in the objects of it. But still the constrained is in capital. At the
beginning, we have already given the funds to constructing roads in
Another obstacle are
people as well as the rank of government assume that this sector is less
important to develop. Because it’s our expectation, service relevant strive to
do systematic program to the development in the county. We finished the point
of development of throughout the region. From here on shall continue to
We also wanted to
develop culture based-tourism. As we develop through people East Manggarai
hometown concept which serve as the central government. At once may also as the
object of tourism, I associate with 12 kedaluan. From where, we build
characteristics of people of East Manggarai. After the new described the values
of this is in the draft.
Then to preserve it
shall be accompanied by the educational institution with the quality guaranteed
to the future. That’s our hopes. And the first five years, we want to put the
good basis on this.
does connecting destination tourism points so that easily to reach?
The step been done is
we interlace with Airlangga University like the development of potential
tourism and culture in Lamongan. The development center of tourist objects in
North will be focused in Pota. From this year, we cooperating with Ministry of
Education and Culture so will connect it later. But still, control of the
development is in local government, operationally is the related Agency.
Through these
developments will also interlace cooperation with private parties as
Swisscontact. We hope in the near future there had been training together with
the Swisscontact, so that tourist objects in the northern and southern become a
In the near future, we will build an airport
in Tanjung Bendera. We have been build runways 3500 meters long. With built the
airport, such our hope East Manggarai could be Bali the second.
To access toward Pota
also need a kind of Twin Otter of the airport to pot. There have been set up 75 acres that can be based. It’s a means of
road from the center of the capital will exposed through some tourist objects.
With the developing,
it expected there will be economic growth, such as market, we will also build
at those points. Many tourist objects in the central territory, such as Mukun,
can impassable by road.
In the territory of
northern coast, there is lake named Rana Kulan. Lake is also on the point of
way toward Pota. There is also Betong Liwa, Hot Spring Rana Masak. There is
Lake Rana Mese residing in the country road between Ruteng and Borong.
As for the mean of
infrastructural, we have prepared a place in the center of the region or at the
scene alligator, and giant lotus. That’s all are existing in our master plan.
about the process of permitting has been undertaken within one-stop system?
From 80 permitting
already issued the Agency of Permitting Service, 10 percent have issued by us
relating tourism and culture sectors. But it has not been optimal. Later,
escorted to conjunction with the peoples in the area. That’s our hopes.
the Region Government also ease the process of investments in this sector?
We promise not
miffiest complicates. In fact, we give wide opportunity for LSM, encourage
enterprise engaged n tourism. And we
assure affairs not winding. Because, we need promotion of tourism objects in
this region.
do development in the economics of creative sector?
It is often we made
proposal to Central Government. Hopes there is a kind of home industry in Cepi
Watu to empower people who are around the beach, so that later could be the
local promotion potential craft, as weaving.
Weaving East Manggarai
have own motives. There are still needs to modified that have competitiveness
by weaving from another county.
Therefore, we plan to
centralize weaving craft industry in surrounding Cepi Watu Beach. We will also
build art shop to sell woven typical East Manggarai.
It’s our hopes, so,
tourism sector is one of the sectors that can give real contributions to the
people in this area. We are more likely to say, lest it honey that there is
herein pulled out. We do not want to such Labuan Bajo, a lot of hotels managed
outsiders (foreigners)
Since early, our plan
is this, so expected to give benefits for both the local people and the
businessman of outer. So, with the development of this sector, society
prospers. So capital flight not augmented.
If a lot of capital
flight, then we think is as failure. We expect East Manggarai shall be like
Therefore we want to
mulok shall firm, so anyone who came, our society undeterred foreign culture.
We have inner selves as East Manggarai society, or as Indonesian who admitted
diversified in the frame of Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).**
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