Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Travel Toward Paradise Tour at East Manggarai

We started our coverage trip to East Manggarai Regency, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province, on Friday morning at the end of June. We arrived in Denpasar, Bali, before noon after almost two hours flight by Lion Air. Same day ticket to Labuan Bajo was sold out, we decided to take the next day flight, and got some rest. By noon at Labuan Bajo, we had to wait the car called ‘travel’ which will bring us to Ruteng, Capital of Manggarai Regency until afternoon.

That afternoon, the sky in Labuan Bajo was quite bright, Bajo Express, travel serving the way we headed  Ruteng, The Capital of Manggarai drove through and fast emerging steep hill, and valley with trees in lines at the left side is become an interesting panorama.

Heading sunset, the sun is going down to the west and still remain the crimson light. Reddish purple silhouette, glorious sky, is a little bit of God’s awesome paintings, and shadow of west hill as horizon.

It was nine o’clock PM, takes four hours drive to Ruteng, The Capital of Manggarai Regency.

The cold so piercing is like in Puncak Pass, Bogor, at Jawa Barat Province. There are two hotels at least in Ruteng are ready to accommodate visitors namely, Sindha and Dahlia. We preferred to choose the Sindha one, it is in front of BRI Ruteng in the heart of city Ruteng.

The atmosphere was quite enough. Got rest and relax after four hours travelled from Labuan Bajo, before go forward to Borong, The Capital of East Manggarai Regency.

The hotel amount rates 300-350 thousand Rupiahs per day for a clean standard twin beds, hot water, television and bathroom within is reasonable enough.

It is located by the side of Trans Flores state road, nearby the BRI automatic teller machine, and Padang Restaurant also Java Restaurant, on left and the right.

First thing in the morning, San, our driver was ready in the lobby. He was taking us down along the north beach (Pantura) of East Manggarai. We were going to visit tourist objects at Pota, in Sambi Rampas District, East Manggarai Regency, Flores Island, and East Nusa Tenggara Province.

There is Lake Rana Tonjong or called Lake Teratai, teratai it means lotus, the lake spans 3 square kilometers. Coast Watu Payung or Watu Payung Beach is blessed with pristine, white sand. It is also home to the rare land crocodile, known as yellow red back East Manggarai komodo, called mbou or rugu.

In Dampek village at Lambaleda Subdistrict, we could see a ‘horseshoe’ sinking island from main road. It is a fantastic location for diving sport, and became foreign tourist favorite. Only approximately 3-4 hours driving from Ruteng.

The sinking island has been under supervising of East Manggarai Regency Government, and has not got any name yet. The government has been providing pier and road to access from the state road to the beach.

And so many more nautical attractions along The North Beach (Pantura) at East Manggarai; such as Cape Kurbaya, Pasir Baja Aquatic Garden, Nanga Lok Beach, Pelabuhan Kelambu Beach. The panorama along The North Beach (Pantura) at East Manggarai is so gogeous. And it is appropriate that has called paradise in North at East Manggarai.

We went back to to Ruteng after go along The North Beach (Pantura) at East Manggarai. And the next day we would like to continue our journey to Borong to see how beautiful tourism object around Borong.

In our way to Borong we stop by at Rana Mese Lake, and also Mano rice field that lies on the slope of the hill. We go forward to Mbalata Beach at Watunggene village, at Kota Komba Subdistrict, and had time to stay in Mbalata Beach Inn Cottages, property Mr. Fransisco Huik de Rosari’s to engage horse trekking package to Poco Komba in the next day. Later that evening we stay in Borong.

In the next day we were interviewing Regent and the Vice, Chief of Development Planning Board, Chairman of the Legislative Council of East Manggarai Regency. We visited Rana Masak Hot Water which is only 25 km from Borong, the Capital of Manggarai Regency, to coverage directly. After all we have already been in East Manggarai for one week. We took night flight back to Jakarta through Labuan Bajo and Denpasar, a night after.

A Week Trip to East Manggarai
We awaits for coverage directly to East Manggarai Regency, Flores Island, in East Nusa Tenggara Province so long, finally Letter of Agreement of much awaited come.

It’s represents the third for Jarrak Nusa (JN) Guide to do live coverage, after Toba Samosir (Tobasa), in North Sumatera Province, secondly, at Makassar, in South Sulawesi Province, and now at East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

We are very antusiastic coverage this new Regency which have varied potential culture-based and nature-based tourism object.  According to data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, at least there are 104 tourism objects, and will be more after further identification.

For example, Mbalata Beach, in Kota Komba District, Lake Rana Tonjong at Pota, in Sambi Rampas District, Coast unique Cepi Watu at Borong District, The hot water in Rana Masak. We have an opportunity of near the existence of Komodo dragon Pota have the same DNA with Komodo in Rinca Island, one of Seven Wonders of the World.

And not only that, we get to engage tourist horseback riding (horse trekking) toward Poco (Hill) Komba in Kota Komba District use of near relics forebear see in any ethnic cavity with Watu Susu Rongga cavity the monumental.

Six hours horseback riding a experience we have never felt. Not again climbing to Komba Hill who have height above 50 meters, with a slope of enough shrap. Adrenaline us as if tested. Not we just feeling sensational but also a few tourist foreign who came to feel adventure.

Journey towards Borong, Capital of East Manggarai Regency is not too hard. There are some air transportation service route up to some of the county nearby East Manggarai Regency.

Journeying may be adopted by Denpasar to the Labuan Bajo in Manggarai the west. To be continued overland journey of Labuan Bajo ro Ruteng to Borong. Many of travel prepared serve the trip. Alternative namely through Kupang to Ruteng in the Manggarai Regency, or after it resumed journay overland to get Borong.from Kupang to Bajawa in Ngada Regency, from Bajawa continue driving to Borong.

A week not enough to surrounded the entire attractions are there in this Regency. Any of objects of have its own challenges. For tourists adventurer East Manggarai is a paradise. Many attractions still naturally. Authenticity of this nature shall continue to maintain that East Manggarai Regency and also other Regencies in Flores Island able to compete with tourism the other more advanced. Such as Bali.

Wanting to the way it has come from five years ago. The various basic infrastructure as road have been built so that the most tourist objects owned have been connected. Accommodation also means of it’s still continue with involving the business for implanting their investment in East Manggarai.

We have pack the result of coverage for week on special edition. Hope this can help readers to know wealth owned the county nature. Have a good read. ** Sapto Adiwiloso

Hotel And Restaurant at Borong:

Hotel :
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Pasar Inpres Street, Borong
3.    AA HOTEL:
Port Street, Borong
Cepi Watu Beach, Borong
Watunggene Village, at Kota Komba Districk

Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Ruten – Ende Street, Borong
5.    TARASO RESTAURANT (Padang food):
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
6.    RODA BARU RESTAURANT (Padang Food):
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
8.    SAIYO RESTAURANT (Padang Food):
Ruteng -Ende Street, Borong
Ruteng –Ende Street Borong
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Ruteng – Ende Street, Borong
Kampung Bugis Little Street, Borong
Port Street, Kampung ende, Borong
Cepi Watu Beach, Borong


A Fragment Paradise in East Manggarai
Watu Pajung

Coast Watu Pajung except its beautiful panorama, the authenticity of nature is also still well-protected. It is not excessive if Watu Pajung is a fragment paradise in the Northern of East Manggarai Region.

The Northern Beach (Pantura) East Manggarai Region cover three Districts that are District of Lambaleda, Sambi Rampas and Elar is have diverse attractions. Its adjacent location. That is Paradise in The North of East Manggarai.

Coast Watu Pajung has spreads of white sand along the coast. While in slope of the hills is overgrown with green trees. It is also contained the rock standing graceful as well as sturdy. Forest zones around the coast is still very naturally. In the area settled Komodo dragon Pota reffered to the loco language is Rugu or Mbou. While in the East there is a quite spacious prairie. And in the West section there are acreage rice field belong to the local residents. The combination of this wonderful natural make Watu Pajung become very amazing.

It is named Watu Pajung because at the sea side there is arock stand facing the sea, resemble an open umbrella. In Manggarai language Watu means Stone and Pajung means Umbrella. The stone is colored black. There on is overgrown with parasite plants. The waters at this beach is usually calm and very suitable for activity such swimming, snorkling, and diving.

The best time to visit is on the afternoon at sunset, whereby the bursts of sunlight colored rosy yellow sweep the lips gleam beach and makes rocks colored golden yellow is parading very beautiful charm beach.

Journey towards Coast Watu Pajung is can be gone through of Borong, The Capital of East Manggarai Regency, may passed Bealaing, Watunggong, Lengko Ajang, Pota and the next to Watu Pajung. Coast Watu Pajung is can be gone through fo Ruteng, The Capital of Manggarai Regency. It is 140 km distance and may take 4-5 hours time.
For the visitors who want to see the beauty of natural closely are not worry about accomodation for in Pota Ciy of Sambi Rampas District there are three star hotels that provide including a breakfast.

In addition to that, there are also restaurants offering vary typical Indonesia menu refined from various seafood and meat.**Sapto Adiwiloso